About US

About US

AllSchoolNews,  is aimed at providing useful and valuable information about school admission, scholarships, study abroad and more to students at all levels of education- Undergraduate, Masters, Doctoral and Post-doctoral levels.
This site focuses on providing information about admission status and screening exercise of institutions in Nigeria (Post-UTME) and abroad, scholarship awards available to students studying in Nigeria and abroad, scholarships available to students that intend to study abroad.
Lastly, useful information and pieces of advice will be provided from time to time to students and prospective students on how to prosper in their studies, how to make the best out of their education, get awards and grants for research and internship. This information will be sourced from successful people and education professionals.
So, if you are seeking admission into a tertiary institution in and out of Nigeria, scholarships to study in and out of Nigeria or you are already a student of a school but looking to get scholarships to support your education, then subscribe to updates on AllSchoolNews today by liking our Facebook Page, Follow Us on Twitter and Subscribing to updates by email.
About US About US Reviewed by Unknown on August 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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